Dr. U Deepthi

Work Experience
- 9 years
Date Of Joining @ BSOLS
- 29/05/2023
Professional Experience
- Currently working as Associate Professor at Bharata Mata School of Legal Studies
- Worked at Cooperative School of Law, Vengalloor, Thodupuzha as Assistant professor
- Worked at Mar Gregorios College of Law, Nalanchira, Thiruvananthapuram as Assistant Professor
- Worked as Guest faculty at Mar Athanasios College For Advanced Studies, Thiruvalla
- Worked as Guest Faculty at Department of Law Central University of Kerala, Thiruvalla
- Worked as Lecturer (full-time) Central Law College, Salem, TN
- Revisiting the WHO’s Position in Pandemics and Disease Outbreaks, Volume 13, 2019 Journal of Indian Legal Thought, pp.81-102. ISSN: 2249-9989
- Concept of Privacy in the Medical Context, Volume 11, 2017 Journal of Indian Legal Thought, pp.137-158.ISSN: 2249-9989
- Conservation and Sustainable use of Medicinal Plants, Volume 12, 2018 Journal of Indian Legal Thought, pp.78-101.ISSN: 2249-9989
- Quality Healthcare: Patient’s Right v Professional Standards, Volume VI, No.1 & 2, 2016, The Legal Analyst, pp.50-57. ISSN: 2231-5594.
- Doctor-Patient Relationship, Volume 10, 2016 Journal of Indian Legal Thought, pp.199-215. ISSN: 2249-9989
- Witch Hunting: Need for a Stringent National Law in Gender and Education in Colonial and Post-Colonial Contexts, Dec 2013, pp.114-119, ISBN: 978-81-925991.
- Children’s Right to Participate in Medical Decision Making, Volume 9, 2011 Journal of Indian Legal Thought, pp.181-208. ISSN: 2249-9989
- Human Rights in Health Care-Indian Perspective (2011) 2 Madras Law Journal, pp.80-88
Paper Presented at International Seminar
- Do Children have the Right to Contribute to Medical Decisions about their own care? -Two day International seminar on Violence and Atrocities against Child and Human Rights Infringement: Problems and Perspectives organized by Centre for Advanced Legal Studies and Research in association with Kerala Law Academy Law College on 28th & 29th Feb 2020 at KLA CALSAR Heather Tower, Punnen Road, Statue, Thiruvananthapuram
- Domestic Violence: Impact on sexual and reproductive rights of women- One day International seminar on Women and Law organized by the Law Mantra in collaboration with International Council of Jurists, London on 13th Jan 2018 at The Indian Law Institute, New Delhi.
- Healthcare Decision-Making and the children: A Struggle for Autonomy – A 3day International seminar on Human Rights of Marginalized Populations held at His Highness Maharaja’s Government Law College, Ernakulam from Dec 19th to 21st, 2017.
Paper Presented at National Seminar
- Animals: Transition from Property to Personhood- A 3 day national seminar on HumanWildlife Conflict-Espousing the need for eco-governance of forests and wildlife held at His Highness Maharaja’s Government Law College, Ernakulam from 8th to 10th March 2018.
- Environment, Health and Sustainable Development-A3 day national seminar on Transforming the World towards Sustainable Tomorrow: Concerns and Challenges, School of Indian Legal Thought, M.G. University, Kottayam, India on 15th to 17th February 2018.
- Patentability of Business Method Inventions- A 2 day national seminar on Intellectual Property
Rights problems and prospects at Government Law College, Thiruvananthapuram held on 11th and
12th January 2018. - Legal and Privacy Challenges of Social Networking Sites- A seminar on New Waves in Cyber Crimes: Legal and social Issues, at V. R. Krishnan Ezhuthachan Law College, Elavanchery, Nenmar, Palakkad, on 23rd December 2017.
- Witch Hunting: Violation of Rights of Women- A 2 day national seminar on Women’s Rights: Issues and Challenges organized by Dr. A.T. Markose Chair on Advanced Legal Studies, Government Law College, Thrissur on 8th & 9th November 2017.
- Health Status of Elderly in Kerala- A 3 day national seminar on ParensPatriae: Dimensions of Juvenile and Senior Citizens held at Government Law College, Ernakulam, India on 24th to 26th February 2016
- Right of Farmers to Protect Indigenous Livestock Breed- A 2 day national seminar on Farmers’ Rights in the Globalised Economy: Perspectives and Trends held at School of Indian Legal Thought, M.G. University, Kottayam, India on 27 & 28 March 2015.
- Disaster Management and Gender Based Discrimination- A 3 day national seminar on Disaster Management and Law-An Overview held at Government Law College, Ernakulam, India on 3rd to 5th December 2014.
- Parental Authority over Children in Medical Decisions: Protecting Interests of Parents, Children and Community- A 3 day national seminar on “Family As An Institution: Modern Realities And Trends In Law” held at School of Indian Legal Thought, M.G. University, Kottayam, India on 28, Feb- 2, March, 2013.
- Witch Hunting: Need For A Stringent National Law – A 2 day national seminar on Gender and Education in Colonial and Post colonial contexts held at CMS College, Kottayam, India on 12th & 13th December 2013
- Young Persons: Right to Participate in Medical Decision-Making – A 3 day national seminar on “Rights of Children” held at School of Indian Legal Thought, M.G. University, Kottayam, India on 23rd, 24th & 25th February 2012.
- Doctor-Patient Relationship- A 3 day national seminar on “Maintenance of professional standards & legal control in India” held on 3rd, 4th & 5th March 2011, Govt. Law College, Ernakulam, India.
- Human Rights in Health Care-Indian Perspective – A 2 day national seminar on “Right to Health
Care” held at School of Legal Studies, CUSAT, India on 26th & 27th March 2010.
Acted as Resource Person
- Acted as the Chief Resource Person for the online Training Workshop on ‘Environmental Law’ for the faculty members of the Seven Mentee Colleges on 13th Oct 2020 as part of the Essential Legal Awareness Webinar Series arranged by UGC Paramarh Scheme, Mar Ivanios College, Thiruvananthapuram.
- Acted as Resource Person in the Three day national seminar on Human-Wildlife ConflictEspousing the need for Eco-Governance of Forests and Wildlife held at His Highness Maharaja’s Government Law College, Ernakulam from 8th to 10th March 2018.
- Acted as Resource Person in the Three day national seminar on Transforming the World towards Sustainable Tomorrow: Concerns and Challenges held at School of Indian Legal Thought, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam from 15th to 17th Feb 2018.