Ms. Sreelakshmi C B

Designation : Assistant Professor

Qualification : BA LLB (5 year integrated), LLM with Double specialization (Criminal law and Business law) , Pursuing PhD

Mail ID :

Work Experience

  • 4 Years of experience as a teacher

Date Of Joining @ BSOLS

  • 18/07/2022

Professional Experience

  1. N Udayan & Bilkes (April 2016- March 2019)
    Participated in trials and proceedings
    Experience in legal drafting especially in civil, criminal and family matters.
    Experience and knowledge in contract drafting and registration
  2. KMCT Law College (June 2019- January 2020)
    Assistant Professor, Law lecturing students on Law of Crimes, Law of Insurance, Human Rights and Women Empowerment and Gender Justice.
    Work as a moot court trainer for the students.
    Assessing the progress of students throughout their semesters and assisting them preparing the University exams.
  3. Co-Operative School of Law (February 2020- 2022)
    Assistant Professor, Law lecturing students on Labour Law, Human Rights, Law of Insurance, International Trade Law and Banking Law.
    Act as a mentor for students.
    Coordinator for various clubs and forums.
    Served as a coordinator of “Settle 2021”- which was an international conclave of mediation and conciliation.
  4. Bharath Matha School of Legal Studies (BSOLS July 2022 – present)
    Assistant Professor, Law lecturing students on Constitutional Law, Law of Insurance, Investment law (securities), Environmental law, Land law
    Act as a mentor for students.
    Coordinator for various clubs and forums.

Paper Presented & Participated:

  1. Presented a paper titled “Concept of white collar crimes and major provisions under IPC”, organized by Department of Law, university of Calicut and Indian Criminology and Forensic Science Association (ICFSA) on December 2017 .
  2. Presented a paper titled “Efficacy of existing anti-corruption legislation in India” , organized by Dr. A.T Markose Chair on Advanced Legal Studies, Government Law Collage, Thrissur on November 2016
  3. Presented a paper titled “individual interest in the context of growing environmental justice” , organized by the Institute of Legal Studies and Research , GLA University, Mathura; Nepal Law , Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu; and Department of Law, Bangladesh Army International University of Science and Technology, Cumilla, 24-25 March 2023.
  4. Presented a paper titled “Reproductive Choice and Health: Inalienable survival rights of a women v. Health Care”, organised by School of legal thought Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam on August 2023

Workshops, Seminars & Conference

  1. Two day Training Program on Export-Import Trade procedure and documentation on 23rd to 25th November 2017,organized by Government Law Collage Trissur
  2. Workshop and Training program on transition to Goods and Services Tax held on 16th August 2017 at University of Calicut
  3. Participated Seminar on Medico-Legal Aspects of Forensic Science held on 7th February 2017 at University of Calicut
  4. Participated Two day National Seminar on Women’s Rights-Issues and Challenges organized by Dr. A T Markose chair on advanced legal studies, government law Collage Trissur on 8th and 9th November 2017
  5. Participation in the Faculty Orientation program on Blended Learning and Open-Source Learning Management System in collaboration with Rajagiri Collage of Social Science held at Cooperative School of Law Thodupuzha on 27 June 2020
  6. Participated in the one-day Faculty Development Program Organized by BSOLS UNNATHI in Association with BSOLS IQAC on “Art Of Effective Teaching and Skills to Handle Students” on August 2023